What we Provide
A highly qualified and experienced teaching staff that includes four state-certified teachers, two full-time instructional assistants, one full-time teacher's aide and a full-time Title-I instructor.
A small, closely knit school with four combined-grades classrooms:
​Pre-K – Kindergarten
1st – 2nd grades
3rd – 5th grades
6th – 8th grades
Two nutritious meals, breakfast and lunch, served each school day as part of the USDA school meal program.
Essential door-to-door transportation.
Classroom volunteers and tutors who offer one-on-one learning.
Twice per year on-site Tooth Taxi dental clinic and once per year vision screening provided by Pacific University's College of Optometry .
In most schools, students have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities. Ten years ago we decided that CTS should be no different. The After-School Program, which is similar to Junior Achievement, has evolved over the years.
Students from 6th-8th grade are eligible to participate in the After-School Program every Thursday. One of the highlights is the program's Popcorn Friday Sale and the Student Store.
A five-week, half-day summer school program for 3rd-8th graders with a focus on reading and math. Ten weeks off from school has a huge impact on all children. This is especially true for our students who rarely have any organized activities during their time off.
Contrary to the typical student, ours often dread summer break. The staff decided to commit resources to funding a program that would keep students engaged in the academic learning and progress. An additional bonus is breakfast and lunch served hot daily.
For a homeless child just getting to school is a tremendous challenge. CTS' unique transportation program has driven great lengths to overcome this fundamental obstacle. Our three school buses provide door-to-door transportation for each student. 50% of our students will move at least once during the school year - while some will move as many as 8-10 times. But at CTS, moving is not a reason to miss school. Our transportation program is designed to handle last-minute route changes due to frequent and sudden moves between shelters, cheap motels, friends homes and even the family car.
Clean and new clothing can make a big difference in how our students feel about themselves. In addition to clean clothing, we provide our students with, among other things, the following:
Soap, shampoo and conditioner
Tooth brushes and tooth paste
Feminine hygiene products
Lice shampoo
Hair ties
Organized sports are completely unknown to our students.​ For our kids, there are many obstacles that inhibit their participation in sports. The first is, simply, finding and joining a team. The second is having the proper equipment. The third is showing up to practice and games. And fourth is making a commitment to a team. By creating our co-ed, school-funded CTS Rockets volleyball team, we've largely been to able eliminate the first three obstacles. The fourth is up to them.

tooth taxi
Twice each school year the Dental Foundation of Oregon's Tooth Taxi visits our school. The Tooth Taxi is a full-service dental van that provides our students with free much-needed dental care from sealants to extractions.